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Mar 25, 2008

Secret Discovered!

Happy belated Easter!

Patrick and I went to visit some family about an hour north of here for Easter brunch. This particular segment of the family is usually a bit of a stressful situation for everyone involved, but I tell you I have discovered the secret to everlasting family harmony!! Here it is:


Baby Mama and the Best Nephew Ever were there and, I swear to you, there wasn’t a single moment of awkward silence or uncomfortable questions or offensive comments because everyone spent the entire time cooing at the baby or holding the baby or feeding the baby or giggling at the baby or wondering if the baby was tired/hungry/needing a diaper change/was bored with his outfit.

It was so incredibly awesome, by far the best family gathering in ages. Probably since my kid sister was actually still a kid.

How was your Easter? Any family drama or harmony to share?

5 Readers rock!:

XE said...

Glad your easter was good! Mine was too, although I ate way too much chocolate! (Since you asked :P)

Alykat said...


mary martha said...

Apparently I like to celebrate Easter by pretending to rise from the dead...
I slept through my 3rd consecutive Easter once again sick and feverish...
Maybe its the first full moon after the vernal equinox that wreaks havoc with me too...

mary martha said...

Apparently I like to celebrate Easter by pretending to rise from the dead...
I slept through my 3rd consecutive Easter once again sick and feverish...
Maybe its the first full moon after the vernal equinox that wreaks havoc with me too...

pennsyltuckian said...

Here's a link too an article that explores some of the science behind your Easter experience.


We are hard-wired to like babies. Good thing.
