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Jul 18, 2008

Moving On Up

Tonight we're packing up our lovely place in Treasure Island in order to head to our second Florida destination vacation in the morning. We celebrated by spending the entire day on the beach, being chased inside by gigantic raindrops that ended just as we finished madly packing up and running inside, and making a scrumptious dinner and eating it on the balcony as the sun set. The Best Nephew Ever dozed in the calm waves all afternoon before coming inside for a proper nap, which politely lasted until after we finished the dinner dishes. Tonight, we played on the grass for a little bit (until the Best Nephew Ever decided that Florida grass is gross and not worthy of touching his angelic skin) and watched Vantage Point, during which my mother fell asleep and the Baby Mama, Bro-in-law, and I nearly chewed off all of our nails. Interspersed throughout the day were several Double Solitaire tournaments. All in all, a perfect example of a lovely Florida day.



Baby Mama and BNE

On to the next! Patrick joins us tomorrow night, where, in addition to the all-round joy of having him with me, I am also hoping to be IN some pictures. So far, I have taken all of the pictures and am beginning to have a little photo envy.

1 Readers rock!:

barrie said...

OK, BNE is really REALLY cute!!! Glad you're having such a grand time :-)