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Nov 10, 2007

Concert tonight!

Patrick and I are heading into Louisville tonight with some friends for the Dave Brubeck concert! Yay! We are really excited. This is my third time to see him, Patrick's fourth or fifth. That man is so old that every time he comes near, we're like" we HAVE to see him! This could be the LAST TIME because he's SO OLD!"
He's in great health and isn't really that old. But, damn, does he give a good show. And music that is at once timeless and cutting edge. We love it and are excited about tonight!

We're going with Patrick's best friend and a girl that I worked with before med school and her fiancee. These two parties have never met, a situation that always has me making lists of conversation topics, just in case. But these guys are so great that I, for once, am not really worried!

*sigh of relief*

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