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Jan 23, 2008

Ebay to the Rescue

I've been studying steadily for about four days and doing pretty well. But I needed a strong day yesterday to do well on my exam this morning. Yesterday, after 5 hours of sleep, got up and went immediately to the library. I met up with John and we got a study room. As usual, I snuck some food in for breakfast. And, a few hours later, for lunch. Later in the evening, I snuck in some dinner. I was in the same room in the same chair for 14.5 hours yesterday and ate all three meals there. I got home at 12:30, crashed into bed. Got up today at 5:30 to review again before the 8 am exam. That I passed, but did not rock. *sigh* FYI, Med school is hard.

Also, tuition was due yesterday. We are playing a neat game of Keep Away with the Evil Bank, where they withhold my loan check because it's out of state (a GOVERNMENT ISSUED CHECK. Idiots.) and so I was on the phone several times with Patrick yesterday trying to figure out where we were going to come up with the... ahem... sizable amount of money to pay tuition without selling ourselves on the street. We finally got it worked out, everything was going to be fine, and then we had the following conversation:

Oh, by the way. I bought us a new dining room table and five chairs.

But we don't have any money! Why did you do that?
Where? When did you do that?

On Ebay. Don't worry. It was cheap and nice. You'll like it.

Oh. Well... congratulations, then.

So we're heading to pick it all up tonight.


2 Readers rock!:

Alykat said...

Exam is over! Yay! You passed! Yay! You are hanging out with me Saturday! Yay! New table! Yay! New chairs! Yay!

Anonymous said...

HAHAHA!!! That post is hilarious! I can just hear the conversation taking place. Lovely dining room set and actually I'm pretty jealous; in the time you and Patrick have had 2 dining room tables Ryan and I have yet to buy 1! Alas, our dining room still sits empty.
Anyway, it's good to catch up with you on your blog. Miss you, Tiff.