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Jun 7, 2008

True Love

Because I have been complaining that I'm never home anymore and wanted to stay home today, and because I can't get anything done when Patrick is home, my handsome hubby went out for awhile today and did some shopping. He came back with a few Boards Luck Gifts for me.

To make sure that I am sufficiently fed in the morning: a giant box of Fruity Cheerios!

Fruity Cheerios

Because I have been craving pasta non-stop: 12+ boxes of pasta!

Pasta Lovers

To protect the knowledge that I won in hard fought battles: a Knight Lite! (HA!)

Knight Light

And lastly, to remind me to keep some perspective on this whole thing: a giant box of Nerds!


After bestowing me with gifts, he and I went for a drive in his pretty covertible and he reminded me that life will continue after boards. We even went to the liquor store and bought a giant tub of Maker's Mint Julep mix, because I won't be pregnant forever. Sigh. Lucky me to have a sweet and goofy hubby to keep me grounded (and protected at night by a Knight Lite).

2 Readers rock!:

Kipper's Mommy said...

Loved your gifts - and love Patrick for giving them to you!
Loved the puppy pictures from yesterday.
Oh - and love YOU!
I'm thinking of you and crossing my fingers, toes, eyes and anything else of which I have multiples!
I read your blog each day and smile - how did I ever get so lucky to have you for a niece?!

Jen @ the mama years said...

good luck - it will be over, and then you will be glad to NEVER have to do Step 1 again! They all get better and you are almost free of the most annoying one...