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Oct 5, 2008


Actual post to follow tomorrow - I just wanted to assure you that we did all make it through the afternoon and evening with no major problems (except for the fountain of pee while trying to change a diaper - but that's probably considered to be a minor problem). Colin had his first bath and his first walk today and all is well. I am flummoxed by the duality of time suddenly. It at once crawls by and I watch the clock for his next feeding and also flies so fast that it's now 10:30pm and I have no idea where the day went.

I promise details tomorrow. You guys are awesome and I don't deserve you. However I am a slave to the Turnip and must provide a meal at the moment. Sorry. You know I love you.

4 Readers rock!:

Dragonfly said...

Awwww!! And one of my best friends just told me she was pregnant (I guessed but she tried to deny it). Babies everywhere!!! Hope you are getting enough sleep!

Dragonfly said...
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tracy said...

Katie! You are wonderful! Don't worry about anything, just evjoy your beautiful family and again, congratulations!

Artemis said...

I'm way behind, but congratulations on your new addition! Colin is beautiful in his picture. It seems like these first sleep-deprived days will never end, but you'll soon be dealing with a much older child - so enjoy!
