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Nov 20, 2008


About a week ago, I started re-re-re-reading the Harry Potter books. I wanted something to do with my brain, but didn't want to start out too heavy since there is still a definite sleep deficit. And, as probably 99% of you know, those books are very entertaining without being too mentally taxing. Also, the new movie comes out in a few months and I need to be ready for it. I finished the third book today. It is amazing how much I forget; every time I read them it is like the first time again. And I get just as drawn in, too. It's like I don't know how it ends. (Mostly because I have forgotten.)

For the other Harry Potter books, and most all books in existence, the movie version simply pales in comparison. However, an exception may be Azkaban. And the reason for that may lie entirely in Gary Oldman. I tell you, I love me some Gary Oldman. I fell in love with him for the first time in Immortal Beloved (I know it isn't accurate, come off it already) and I fell hard. Ah, his emotionally tortured but fantastically talented Beethoven was some kind of gorgeous.

Anyway, in rereading Azkaban, I kept seeing the film in my head. Except that the story is rather different, so I had to make Gary Oldman do all kinds of things in my head that he didn't do on the screen. (Wow, that sounds dirty... hee hee!) I think I actually prefer to just watch him on the screen, though the book is excellent. I just don't give up the chance to look at Gary Oldman lightly.

Now that we've established that, you may proceed with your evening. My computer is about to die, we're still staying with friends, and Colin is ailing, so you'll forgive the sad state of my brain and creative writing abilities tonight.

1 Readers rock!:

Dragonfly said...

Azkaban was very much an improvement on the previous films. Hope Colin perks up soon!