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Nov 5, 2008

Life Issues

I've mentioned before that we have some Life Issues going on in our household, and today they became more complicated. I haven't gone into them yet on this site, and I'm not sure when is a good time to do so. It's one of those pesky situations that is totally out of my control and is not my news to share, yet my whole future depends on what happens. (Before you jump to any conclusions: everyone's health is fine and we're not getting a divorce. Everyone is fine, thank God.) I hope to be able to talk about this soon, as I have learned over the last year that this website is not only an excellent means for introspection and creative exercise, but also an avenue of support and, most importantly, ideas. I would welcome your input - if I could only tell you what is going on! Arg, conflict.

So, for the meantime, please keep me and my family in your thoughts. We're going through a crazy time, just got more bad news to add to the pile, and are having trouble seeing our way out. I am a firm believer that things happen for a reason, but would love to know the reasoning behind all of this mess and heartache.

(I wish I could give an image credit. I found it on this blog, which did not credit the source. But I think it depicts my frustration, feeling of helplessness, and of being engulfed by this situation.)

6 Readers rock!:

XE said...

I'll be thinking of you. Hard times suck, and the best thing for it is plenty of social support so know that we're all here for you. (And also, people stocking your fridge for you are also awesome, if necessary. Seriously, this was such a help when my mom was sick. Let us know if there's anything we can do, even if it's from halfway across the continent). {{Hugs}}

mary martha said...

Oh the mystery! Hmm, IRS audit? Electrolysis for Patrick? Deciding what college to send Colin to???
Adoption of ALL the neighbors' cats!!! Its pending isn't it????
I know you are building kitty condos in your basement!

(Hopefully this made you guffaw a bit. Love you and keeping you in my thoughts and prayers!)

Dragonfly said...

Will pray for you guys....

Anonymous said...

thinking about you.

Go Long! Go Green! said...

KT -- you will be in my prayers!! Sometimes it always seems that life deals us some blows and hard times in the midst of what seems like chaos! Hang in there!!! At least you have a little prince that you can snuggle with, close your eyes, and pretend to be in FL on a beach!!!

Anonymous said...

Love you.